Lockdown Drug Rehab

Lockdown drug rehab programs take away the temptation of leaving before treatment is complete. These programs may be best for individuals who have not been able to successfully complete treatment in the past or who have relapsed.
Lockdown Alcohol And Drug Rehab Centers
Rehab is a place where people regain control of their lives, stop using drugs and alcohol, and commit to a life of sobriety. At least, that’s the common understanding of substance abuse treatment.
It can come as a surprise when a person in rehab decides to leave early and stop treatment. To a person who does not struggle with the disease of addiction, they cannot begin to understand why anyone would leave a place working so hard to give them their life back.
But how does a facility ensure that a client does not leave early? There have been different attempts at solutions, with different outcomes.
The Purpose Of Lockdown Rehab
For many people who struggle with addiction, attending rehab can feel like a double-edged sword. On one side, they would like to become sober and move forward with their goals. On the other hand, rehab can be stressful, and anxiety-provoking, and requires participants to take a hard look at themselves.
That can be too much for a person who is already struggling with addiction, self-medication, and the guilt that comes with admitting they have a problem.
“Lockdown” rehab removes the option of leaving. Whether the doors are locked and leaving is not feasible, or if it is court-ordered rehab, and if the person leaves they will go to jail, the choice to leave is removed.
Essentially, the person can either participate in rehab or participate in rehab.
How Long Does Lockdown Rehab Last?
The duration of rehab typically depends on the type of care offered at the facility. A standard program that is court-ordered is 30, 60, or 90 days.
Conversely, there are substance abuse treatment facilities that last between six months and a year. There is research available that discusses why a long-term residential treatment facility is the right choice for some people who struggle with addiction.
Attending Rehab For Up To A Year
A concept referred to as euphoric recall has been discussed in regard to addiction and relapse, and has been theorized as one reason that some people are in need of treatment that lasts six to twelve months.
Euphoric recall is essentially a trick that the addicted mind plays on a person during active addiction and early recovery. By only allowing positive or fun times that happened while using, and failing to acknowledge the sickness, the loss, and the negative aspects of treatment, the brain fools the person into continuing or craving substance abuse.
Some have stated that euphoric recall is what causes cravings and can lead individuals back to use during the early stages of sobriety.
How Long Do Cravings Last?
When a person attends rehab for six to twelve months, they are strengthening the possibility of achieving long-term sobriety. Cravings are intense for the first three months, being triggered by a euphoric recall.
Euphoric recall overrides the negative memories associated with using, and intense cravings emerge. There is evidence that, on average, the control that euphoric recall has over the brain begins to waiver at three months and should be more manageable at six months.
It is important to remember that every person in recovery has their own timeline and that what happened for one person may not happen for another at the same time. That is why long-term treatment and a thorough aftercare plan are extremely important.
Being In Rehab On Lockdown
Lockdown drug rehab is for the most part, not allowed in the United States except for a very short time. There really is no available help if the addicted person does not want to admit themselves. Just south of the San Diego border, Baja Rehab fixes that problem. Many clients believe they are going on a short family vacation and instead are driven directly into our facility where the intervention takes place. They are not allowed to leave. Mexican law allows this, even for foreigners. If a direct family member is concerned that their loved one has lost the ability to make sane choices because of addiction, the family member automatically can become the conservator of their treatment. Yes, even if they don’t want to go.
Receiving quality care and intensive therapeutic interventions during the early stages of recovery at a facility that requires you cannot leave may be exactly what a person struggling with addiction needs, especially someone who has tried other forms of treatment before.
Again, substance abuse treatment is not going to look the same for everyone. A thirty-day rehab may not work for a person who struggles with an intense addiction. A program that mandates attendance and restricts access to anything outside of rehab may be what some people need.
Treatment Specifically Designed For You
Substance abuse treatment facilities work very hard to provide individualized treatment to clients. Our facilities offer carefully designed treatment plans that utilize our unique services to people in need of addiction treatment care.
Our team of specialists is available to speak with about services offered for you or your loved one. Please consider contacting us today, we can help start your journey into recovery.