How to help a loved one to leave addictions?

In many cases, addicted people who struggle with substance use have difficulty recognizing and accepting that there is a real problem. Even if a person knows he has a drug addiction, sometimes he is unwilling to accept the treatment.
In most states, an addicted person must be convicted of a crime to be sentenced to an addiction rehab program.
Few states have laws that allow friends and relatives to appeal to the court to order the rehabilitation of an addicted loved one.
Legally, a family with a loved one suffering from substance abuse disorder can get help from the Courts.
Either guardianship or conservatorship may be an appropriate way for concerned families to seek treatment for their loved ones with a substance abuse disorder.
“But it’s almost impossible to get conservatorship in the US for drug addiction.
The family can go in front of the judge, and the judge can order treatment,
but the patient can still walk out.”
Don’t worry, we are here to help!
At Baja Rehab, lockdown is an incredible opportunity for our patients and their families.
Detox, psychiatry, and therapy will be key, along with our 2-month intensive, calm, fun, AA/NA-based lockdown residential treatment program.